Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society. University of Pennsylvania | Coursera
Please find below three drawings of my concept of choice. I chose to pursue the picture frame design. 
Process to select the concept:

I have asked 5 friends to review my prototypes that i posted to the website. Two have seen the prototypes in person and played around with them. All these friends are users of a Nespresso ssytem, so they are familiar with the capsules and the dynamics. 

I had one on one conversations with all of my friends and we discussed the design over coffee.. I made notes and let them grade the designs.

First I asked them to fill the 3 concepts with a number of capsules. They thought it went easiest with the tube (see concepts last week), then the box and lastly the picture frame. 

Taking the cups out, which was also a criteria, did not go that easy with the tube, which they thought was a major setback. It went easy on the other two concepts.

The box version was practical they thought  yet did not have the WOW factor. It would have been cheap to make and using other materials could result in a great beautiful storage system. 

The picture frame had with my friends the biggest WOW factor and everyone also like the multi purpose of being able to stick it to the fridge. Also the possibility of using it in portrait and landscape mode plus teh face that they could hook/mount it to the wall did very well. 

After these discussions / interviews i asked they of each product how likely they were to buy this product and would recommend it to friends:

The results were:

"How likely would you buy this product?"
Box = 3x very unlikely to buy, 1x very likely to buy, 1x not sure.
Tube = 4x very unlikely, 1x not sure
Picture Frame = 4x very likely to buy, 1 x most likely to buy = WINNER!

"How likely would you recommend this product" 
Box = 2x likely recommend 3x not sure
Tube = 1x likely, 1x not sure, 3x would not recommend 
Picture Frame = 4x likely to recommend, 1x not sure. = WINNER!

Therefor my conclusion is to further develop the picture frame design.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

